PRX - Pieces for Topic: Science

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2487 results

Caption: PRX default Piece image
We burn a lot of fossil fuels, and many of us would like to curb our dependence on foreign oil. Ocean tides and crashing waves could be at least a ...

  • Added: Jul 26, 2007
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Are you worried about global warming? Well, here's an idea. How about rocketing one trillion miniature umbrellas into orbit somewhere between us ...

  • Added: Jul 26, 2007
  • Length: 01:23
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Jet propulsion doesn't always make you fast... Take, for example, the Antarctic scallop. These bivalve mollusks shouldn't even be able to move.

  • Added: Jul 26, 2007
  • Length: 01:29
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Save the Whales! For years, that was the clarion call of environmentalists everywhere. So how are the great cetaceans doing?

  • Added: Jul 26, 2007
  • Length: 01:24
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Sometimes good old Mother Nature seems a bit mixed up. Take the Okapi, for example...

  • Added: Jul 26, 2007
  • Length: 01:32
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Russian cosmologist Alex Vilenkin on the search for other universes, and the end of our own "O-region" -- on ThoughtCast!

Bought by KPVL and WCAI / WNAN Cape & Islands, Mass.

  • Added: Jun 30, 2007
  • Length: 29:45
  • Purchases: 2
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THE PLANETS is Dava Sobel's historic and scientific tour of our solar system.

  • Added: Jun 28, 2007
  • Length: 13:21
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Tropical rainforests are home to a spectacular variety of frogs. This rich diversity of species helps drive conservation efforts in the tropics. Th...

  • Added: Jun 26, 2007
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
What's about the size of a small cat, but looks like a bizarre cross between a miniature antelope and an anteater?

  • Added: Jun 26, 2007
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Domestic tranquility has its place, but we all need a little walk on the wild side from time to time. And, apparently, the same goes for bees...

  • Added: Jun 26, 2007
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Climate scientists say that a weak El Nino helps explain why the Atlantic hurricane season was less active last year than forecasters predicted.

  • Added: Jun 26, 2007
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
The decomposition of tiny sea animals and plants that died hundreds of thousands of years ago created enormous natural gas deposits under the seafl...

  • Added: Jun 26, 2007
  • Length: 01:17
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Tea II: Central nervous system stimulant and antioxidant

Bought by WRIR

  • Added: Jun 11, 2007
  • Length: 01:29
  • Purchases: 1
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Tea I: Central nervous system stimulant and antioxidant

Bought by WRIR

  • Added: Jun 11, 2007
  • Length: 01:29
  • Purchases: 1
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Star Anise: Source of key ingredient for bird flu medicine

Bought by WRIR

  • Added: Jun 11, 2007
  • Length: 01:29
  • Purchases: 1
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Milk Thistle II: Liver protectant and antidote to mushroom poisoning

Bought by WRIR

  • Added: Jun 11, 2007
  • Length: 01:29
  • Purchases: 1
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Milk Thistle I: Liver protectant and antidote to mushroom poisoning

Bought by WRIR

  • Added: Jun 11, 2007
  • Length: 01:29
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Inside Technology
Visit to New York City's Only Robot Toy Store

  • Added: May 25, 2007
  • Length: 14:33
Caption: PRX default Piece image
While cacti can really stick it to us, the plight of the giant saguaro is nothing to poke fun at.

  • Added: May 24, 2007
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
This isn't how fertilizers are supposed to work. You'd think that more nutrients in water would be good for aquatic life.

  • Added: May 24, 2007
  • Length: 01:32
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Woody Allen called marriage the death of hope. Now, while that may be a cynic's perspective, weddings can definitely take a toll on the environment.

  • Added: May 24, 2007
  • Length: 01:32
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The Russian government is trying to protect its Kamchatka peninsula, one of Earth's last salmon strongholds.

  • Added: May 24, 2007
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
If someone could have observed Earth from outer space before there were people, they'd have seen the lion share of living things clustered in the t...

  • Added: May 24, 2007
  • Length: 01:32

  • Added: May 21, 2007
  • Length: 04:13
  • Purchases: 2
Caption: PRX default Piece image
What happens after a person donates his body to science? Follow the process from embalming table to medical school to waterfront plot.

  • Added: May 09, 2007
  • Length: 12:58