PRX - Pieces for Topic: Public Affairs

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Fifty years ago, there was a radical plan to completely remake a county sheriff’s department in an iconic western town. It almost worked, they almo...

Bought by KFCF FM

  • Added: Jun 16, 2020
  • Length: 28:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: "Breathing: American Sonnets", Credit: Susan Cook
In the 1950’s and 1960’s American citizens and the stalwart among them who were brave enough to run for political office had to learn to live with...

  • Added: Oct 31, 2014
  • Length: 06:04
Caption: What happens after a fish is caught teaches that fish are not so stalwart after all., Credit: Susan Cook
When people say things like the quote published in the newspaper the other day, they don't seem to realize what's at stake. So, this Citizen's Guid...

  • Added: Nov 20, 2012
  • Length: 03:12
Caption: We listen to the billow of candidate debates but a better format for finding The truly Presidential might be The Meeting., Credit: Susan Cook
We listen to the billow of candidate debates to answer bigger questions: who among them truly has the character and qualities to be President of t...

  • Added: Feb 02, 2012
  • Length: 02:33