PRX - Pieces for Topic: Politics

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3 results

Caption: An uninformed New York Times reporter didn't know termination reasons are already recorded..., Credit: Susan Cook
A conviction of a protester outside of a Planned Parenthood clinic brings up the question: when will the severity of the violence that follows fr...

  • Added: Aug 24, 2019
  • Length: 08:49
Caption: Species: jodchumaryliz.newjerszeyish.corruptus, Credit: Susan Cook
As Maine's new Governor has formed a transition team. A "How to Honor the Public Trust Guide" might be helpful.

  • Added: Dec 05, 2018
  • Length: 08:59
Caption: To an itsy bitsy spider...., Credit: Susan Cook
In the Department of Poetic Justice (and Reckoning), The River Is Wide offers a poem that could be sung to the tune from a tune in the public domai...

  • Added: Nov 28, 2015
  • Length: 02:50