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2197 results

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It’s no news flash that, over the years, one of the dirtiest sources of energy has been coal; in fact, it’s among the top contributors to carbon di...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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It's good to know that tomorrow's scientists are solving environmental problems today. Meet Daniel Burd from Waterloo, Canada. Daniel's interested ...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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What do you get when you cross folk art with photonic technology? A very bright idea. Researchers at the University of Glasgow have combined cell p...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Farming has always been subject to the uncertainties of weather and market conditions. But farmers in Huron County, Michigan, have found something...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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The words, "holistic," and "cattle range" aren't often heard together. But in California, “holistic range management” is indeed…all the rage on th...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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In 1945, John Steinbeck wrote a novel called Cannery Row. In it he told the story of life in Monterey, California – a thriving fishing port at tha...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Let's talk about high fashion and Target, the big box store. The two seemingly opposites converged, recently, largely because of the environmentall...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Believe it or not, just two generations ago, it was unheard of not to recycle glass beverage bottles. Today, that idea itself is getting recycled.

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Are you wasting your...waste? A company called RecycleBank says: maybe! So they've come up with a high-tech way to encourage people to

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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If you can't stand the heat…hang in there? That's what some species are doing in response to climate change.

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Is it ‘hip,’ or ‘cool,’ to be environmentally sustainable? That's a question that some of the biggest companies are asking about the world's most p...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Which is better? A picture perfect golf course, or a wild and wooly prairie? Well, when it comes to ecosystem health, the more native plants -- the...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Sometimes, creating a preserve can help endangered species fast, like South Africa’s Cape penguins. Until recently, this endangered bird, and the o...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Chicago may be the Windy City, but California may become the wind-powered state.

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Looking for an environmentally conscious vacation that’s out of the way? Try Madagascar. It’s a California-sized island off the east coast of Afric...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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The new frontier isn’t to the north, south, east, or west. It’s up, as in skyscrapers. And, the tallest? The Burj-Khalifa tower in Dubai. From a di...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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“Cradle-to-Cradle” is the newest buzz in green manufacturing circles. It’s the next evolution of the idea of “Cradle-to-Grave, ” where recycled mat...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Alternative fuels are more environmentally friendly than petroleum products, right? Actually, that’s not always the case.

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Alien mussels are muscling their way into our waterways. And like unwelcome guests, once the move in, they’re almost impossible to move out!

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Seems there are some strange critters living in water. Take for example the anglerfish with its glow-in-the-dark lantern on its forehead. But as st...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Here’s a two-fer: A renewable fuel source that also reduces carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Scientists in Denmark are looking at a species of se...

Bought by KKRN

  • Added: Apr 27, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
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Who’s more environmentally responsible? Seniors? Young Adults? Men? Women?

  • Added: Mar 29, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
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Smile, whale shark, you’re on candid camera -- the high seas version.

  • Added: Mar 29, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
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It’s stocky and dark brown with a long bushy tail, and fur softer than a mink’s. Meet the Pacific Fisher.

  • Added: Mar 29, 2013
  • Length: 01:30
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Aquaculture is a great way to provide sustainably farmed seafood for the planet. They also produce an excessive amount of organic waste. You know, ...

  • Added: Mar 29, 2013
  • Length: 01:30