PRX - Pieces for Topic: Environment

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868 results

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We tagged along with some of the quiet heroes who, quite literally, go to great lengths to understand just how much water will come out of your tap.

Bought by Boise State Public Radio

  • Added: Mar 18, 2014
  • Length: 10:24
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Bioneers Radio Series XIII
Our physical health is intimately tied to environmental health, as well as to our emotional and spiritual ecology. Visionary physician Dr. Gabor Ma...

Bought by KBCS 91.3 FM Community Radio, WCNY,, KKRN, KRZA and more

  • Added: Feb 25, 2014
  • Length: 28:30
  • Purchases: 8
Caption: Bioneers Radio Series XIII
Conspicuous climate disruption is here now. At the same time, a global super-elite of fossil fuel mega-billionaires has cinched a political strangl...

Bought by WCNY, Panhandle Community Radio, KKRN, KRZA, WMRT and more

  • Added: Feb 25, 2014
  • Length: 28:31
  • Purchases: 8
Caption: Groks Science Radio Show
Dale Peterson joins us to discuss chimpanzee behavior.

Bought by 'The Sea', 'The Sea', WMUU-LP, KKWE Niijii Radio, and KPVL

  • Added: Feb 24, 2014
  • Length: 27:44
  • Purchases: 5
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When it comes to the Myers-Briggs personality type test, are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you focus on sensing, or do you use your intuitio...

  • Added: Feb 08, 2014
  • Length: 07:20
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A discussion of the economic, social, and political consequences of environmental degradation on populations and governmental systems. Special gues...

  • Added: Nov 14, 2013
  • Length: 23:52
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To what degree are we born a blank slate, and how much are we a result of our influence by our environment? Consensus: Nature or nurture is the wr...

  • Added: Sep 27, 2013
  • Length: 07:20
Caption: 4 month old bear cub, Credit: Ben Kilham
You’re about to hear a story about the bear whisperer of Lyme New Hampshire, Ben Kilham, and the abandoned black bear cubs he has rescued, rehabili...

Bought by New Hampshire Public Radio

  • Added: Sep 25, 2013
  • Length: 27:53
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: These creatures are the stars of this podcast episode and of the sea. Credit:  Lend an ear and discover the wonders of nature—right outside your back door and halfway around the world. Check out the podcast "One Species at a Time."  , Credit:
Guess what kind of organism this is: There are billions of them in every bucket of the salty sea, some of them glow, and some are responsible for k...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 06:47
Caption: Wetlab company members encircle the 'moonpool' on the aft deck of the Pontoon Boat of Science where they suspend and test their instruments. L to R: Corey Koch, Ron Zaneveld, Alex Derr and Ian Walsh.  One big challenge of making sensors that stay in the o
Pour light into liquid, keep a detector at the ready, and what do you get? Opportunities to keep constant track of the chemical and biological brew...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 09:50
Caption: Offshore wind farm, Denmark.
A lot of people are talking about capturing the wind’s energy. But Jim Miller’s pointed his ears underwater, and it turns out that harnessing the w...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 07:46
Caption: The Antarctica locals.
The temperature in Antarctica is rising, and Hugh Ducklow is watching an entire ecosystem change before his eyes. What happens if the ice just keep...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 07:54
Caption: An Autosub keeps track of all kinds of features in the ocean, and Gwyn Griffiths oversees their design and science.
Autosubs look like giant yellow torpedoes. They cruise the ocean silently. But they’re watching, listening, probing, and measuring everything as th...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 08:01
Caption: One of three vessels involved with the Sound Predictions project, the Auklet arrives on station to sample the temperature and salinity of Prince William Sound. Credit: Ian Robbins.  Snapshot of sea surface temperature simulated by the model discussed in t, Credit: Ian Robbins.
Predicting how an entire body of water circulates is no easy task. To do it in Prince William Sound up in Alaska, it took 3 ships, teams deployed i...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 09:22
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Twenty years ago, an environmental disaster rocked Prince William Sound in Alaska. Today, a team assembled from science, government and beyond is t...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 09:43
Caption: Debbie Steinberg studies Antarctic zooplankton - the tiny drifting animals of the sea.
Climate change is impacting even one of the most remote places on Earth: Antarctica. Krill numbers are down, salp numbers are way up, and the entir...

Bought by WAMC Northeast Public Radio

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 06:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: The star of the show is RU27, the underwater glider that's cruising from New Jersey to Spain.
Rutgers University students are piloting one tiny, yellow, torpedo-shaped glider across the Atlantic Ocean from New Jersey to Spain. The journey is...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 07:40
Caption: The viz wall at MIT, a programmable canvas used to examine large images and movies of the Earth. , Credit: Mick Follows.
Sometimes understanding the vastness of the ocean means understanding the wee strands of DNA packed into the tiniest of cells, and how that DNA giv...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 08:36
Caption: Kate Larkin and Richard Lampitt (lower left) teamed up with a crew in 2007 to study the Porcupine Abyssal Plain in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. , Credit: Kate Larkin.
When the tiniest of particles settle onto the deepest of ocean bottoms, they can have the biggest of influences. Fisheries collapse. Tsunamis. Ecos...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 08:38
Caption: Marine habitats are an untapped resource for the discovery of new pharmaceuticals, as this schematic illustrates. Credit: OOI Regional Scale Nodes Program, University of Washington.
Ocean observatories are radically changing not only the way scientists do their science, but also how they interact with one another and the wider ...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 09:17
Caption: Halsey Burgund playing an electronic mallet instrument with his band, Aesthetic Evidence, at the 2007 Boston Cyberarts Festival. Credit: Michael Duncan.  Screenshot from Visit the website, and record your story about the ocean! , Credit: Halsey Burgund.
Recording voices and composing music around those voices is one of Halsey Burgund’s specialties. And he’s got a new project where he’s collecting s...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 10:15
Caption: Archaeological oceanography is the study of ancient human history now resting in the deep sea. , Credit: Inner Space Center.
The Inner Space Center makes visiting the bottom of the ocean easier than going to the store. And by using some of the newest technology available,...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 09:11
Caption: Right whale mother and calf. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.  Biodiversity encompasses the variety of life and the variation of genes. It's also a central tenet of the Encyclopedia of Life. Credit: EOL.  The Encyclopedia of Life was born when biologist E.O. Wi, Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
Playing female right whale calls into the water, researcher Susan Parks suddenly finds herself at the center of attention of a group of males.

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 06:44
Caption: The team at Southern Maine Community College assembles drifters that either float at the surface or hang about 5-10 meters beneath it, and they get pushed along by the currents. , Credit: Tom Long.
Little floats with GPS units are coursing all over the eastern seaboard, and they’re rousing community college students and lobstermen from bed at ...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 09:03
Caption: The Lake Sturgeon Bowl team from Clara Mohammed High School in Milwaukee collect data aboard a hypothesis-testing cruise on Lake Michigan. Credit: Carmen Aguilar.  Newman Catholic High School students listen to the Ocean Gazing podcast (!) before the star, Credit: Carmen Aguilar.
Living 1000 miles from the ocean is no reason to keep from learning everything you can about the high seas. At least that’s what high schoolers all...

  • Added: Aug 29, 2013
  • Length: 10:57