PRX - Pieces for Tone: Thoughtful

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652 results

Caption: Jeanne Bishop
David Dault interviews Jeanne Bishop, author of Change of Heart: Justice, Mercy, and Making Peace with My Sister's Killer

  • Added: Dec 22, 2014
  • Length: 59:00
Caption: Pastor Heidi Newmark
David Dault interviews Heidi Newmark, author of Breathing Space: A Spiritual Journey in the South Bronx

  • Added: Dec 22, 2014
  • Length: 59:00
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XPRESSIONS is a series of short, light-hearted features about the origin of popular phrases & sayings of every sort.

Bought by WRVO Public Media

  • Added: Dec 22, 2014
  • Length: 01:44
  • Purchases: 1
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Political scientist James Gibson investigates the connections between political intolerance and religion.

Bought by PRX Remix

  • Added: Dec 18, 2014
  • Length: 09:48
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: East Bay Muslims pray atop a UC Berkeley hill, Credit: Hana Baba
About 20 Muslim families are gathered on a hilltop outside the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley, just after sunset. A water fountain bubbles, w...

Bought by New Hampshire Public Radio

  • Added: Nov 28, 2014
  • Length: 08:06
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Host Peter Kreten welcomes to the program Sister Carol Mucha, RSM, a Sister of Mercy and a Spiritual Director. On this edition of God Matters, Sist...

  • Added: Nov 10, 2014
  • Length: 24:21
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Alex Mar talks about lines that can’t be crossed, the psychological need for ritual, and avoiding the politics in religion.

  • Added: Nov 03, 2014
  • Length: 25:14
Caption: Jesse Moss, San Francisco, CA 10/26/14, Credit: Andrea Chase
Jesse Moss talks recapturing cinematic freedom, finding common ground, and surrendering to the moment.

Bought by Prairie Public

  • Added: Oct 31, 2014
  • Length: 16:58
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Classroom in the Islamic School in Seattle, Washington, 1982., Credit: Library of Congress
Anthropologist Nabeel Abraham tells host Brian Balogh about the fight between two Muslim communities over the future of a Dearborn, Michigan mosque...

  • Added: Oct 31, 2014
  • Length: 09:42
Caption: Mitt Romney speaking to supporters at a grassroots early voting rally in Mesa, Arizona, Credit: Flickr: Gage Skidmore
Laurie Mafflly-Kipp discusses how the Mormon faith and politics have intertwined throughout American history.

  • Added: Oct 29, 2014
  • Length: 11:00
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Last week in Seattle, Reverend Reggie Witherspoon, Senior Pastor at Mt. Calvary Christian Center used a bullhorn to lead protesters in chants to sh...

Bought by KBCS 91.3 FM Community Radio

  • Added: Oct 20, 2014
  • Length: 06:40
  • Purchases: 1
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Reza Aslan on Zealot and academia; Maxwell Grant on Lev Grossman's Magicians series.

  • Added: Oct 13, 2014
  • Length: 44:08
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Singer, guitarist Sister Rosetta Tharpe was a rare person to emerge in the music world. Her musical legacy includes early Rhythm and Blues and Gosp...

Bought by KAZU Seaside, Calif., WTIP, and Spokane Public Radio

  • Added: Oct 10, 2014
  • Length: 57:50
  • Purchases: 3
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Tyler Wigg-Stevenson on Christianity and nuclear weapons; Katy Scrogin on Christian Anarchism.

  • Added: Oct 09, 2014
  • Length: 53:50
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Jonathan Judaken on existentialism and religion; Katy Scrogin on The Myth of the Muslim Tide.

  • Added: Oct 09, 2014
  • Length: 53:50
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J. Aaron Simmons on postmodernism and religion; Katy Scrogin on A Late Quartet.

  • Added: Oct 09, 2014
  • Length: 53:50
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Jacques Berlinerblau on secularism; Katy Scrogin on God Believes in Love: Straight Talk about Gay Marriage.

  • Added: Oct 09, 2014
  • Length: 53:50
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David LaMotte on music and faith; Katy Scrogin on Toward a True Kinship of Faiths.

  • Added: Oct 09, 2014
  • Length: 49:00
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MaryAnn McKibben Dana on learning sabbath; David Dault with first season reflections.

  • Added: Oct 08, 2014
  • Length: 53:50
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Fletcher Harper on GreenFaith; Katy Scrogin on The Man Within My Head.

Bought by KPIP-LP

  • Added: Oct 07, 2014
  • Length: 33:35
  • Purchases: 1
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Fletcher Harper on religious environmentalism; Katy Scrogin on Where the Heart Beats: John Cage, Zen Buddhism, and the Inner Life of Artists.

Bought by 'The Sea' and KPIP-LP

  • Added: Oct 07, 2014
  • Length: 33:32
  • Purchases: 2
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Donald Messer on Christianity and the AIDS crisis; Katy Scrogin on Before Religion: A History of a Modern Concept.

  • Added: Oct 07, 2014
  • Length: 46:09
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Chris Stedman on faith and atheism; Katy Scrogin on The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality.

  • Added: Oct 07, 2014
  • Length: 34:18
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Chris Stedman on faith and atheism; Katy Scrogin on Roland Barthes' Mourning Diary.

  • Added: Oct 07, 2014
  • Length: 39:14
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Beth Katz on Project Interfaith; Katy Scrogin on Sherman Alexie's Blasphemy.

  • Added: Oct 07, 2014
  • Length: 36:25