PRX - Pieces for Tone: NPR NewsMagazine-y

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Caption: Dignitaries - including Robert E. Lee's great grandson, Hanson E. Ely III (right) - unveil a portrait of the Confederate general in West Point's library in 1952. The portrait is one of several images of Lee that still are displayed at the military academy, Credit: From the 1952 book "The Sesquicentennial of the United States Military Academy: An Account of the Observance." / U.S. Military Academy
Congress ordered Confederate names and images to be removed from military installations. But what about portraits of Lee before he joined the Confe...

Bought by KUT, Texas Public Radio, WRFA-LP, KMXT, and KRPS

  • Added: Nov 09, 2021
  • Length: 03:40
  • Purchases: 5