PRX - Pieces for Tone: NPR NewsMagazine-y

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3 results

Caption: Sarah Rogers poses with her NUMMI-made car, a Toyota Tacoma named Goldie, Credit: Angela Johnston
When the NUMMI auto factory in Fremont closed five years ago, close to 5,000 people lost their jobs. An estimated 20,000 others were also out of w...

  • Added: Jul 16, 2015
  • Length: 28:37
Piece image
The Pillsbury A Mill is a National Historic Landmark, and in the midst of a $150 million redevelopment project. But back in the 1800s, it was the b...

  • Added: Mar 19, 2015
  • Length: 04:31
Caption: Jane and Henry Evans at their house, Credit: Angela Johnston
Then, Henry suffered from what is called a brain stem dissection. That stroke left him trapped, unable to lift a finger at first, or say a word. Bu...

Bought by New Hampshire Public Radio and PRX Remix

  • Added: Jan 13, 2015
  • Length: 09:33
  • Purchases: 2