PRX - Pieces for Tone: Intriguing

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320 results

Caption: PRX default Piece image
Domestic tranquility has its place, but we all need a little walk on the wild side from time to time. And, apparently, the same goes for bees...

Bought by KOSU

  • Added: Aug 20, 2008
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
The decomposition of tiny sea animals and plants that died hundreds of thousands of years ago created enormous natural gas deposits under the seafl...

Bought by KOSU

  • Added: Aug 20, 2008
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Did you hear the one about the comedian who spent nearly a half-million dollars on solar panels for his garage?

Bought by KOSU

  • Added: Aug 19, 2008
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Now here's a ride Little Miss Sunshine and her eccentric family would have appreciated...

Bought by KOSU

  • Added: Jul 25, 2008
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
A German company has developed a way to get more mileage out of junked cars. Of course they have to shred them to pieces first.

Bought by KOSU

  • Added: Jul 25, 2008
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
What do you do when the land you love is 'slip sliding away'? Luckily for folks in Louisiana, legislators and scientists are looking at several cre...

Bought by KOSU

  • Added: Jul 25, 2008
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
University of Calgary biology professor, Peter Dunfield, has been to hell and back looking for ways to keep methane gas out of the atmosphere.

Bought by KOSU

  • Added: Jul 25, 2008
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Are elephants going crazy? They've been destroying villages, crops, and attacking -- sometimes killing -- humans. It's happening at an increasing r...

Bought by and KOSU

  • Added: Jul 25, 2008
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 2
Caption: PRX default Piece image
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is killing fire ants using a method that sounds like it was inspired by the movie Alien.

Bought by KOSU

  • Added: Jul 25, 2008
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
You think gas is expensive? What about the price of platinum? Believe it or not, that's one of the things the automotive industry is looking at be...

Bought by KOSU

  • Added: Jul 25, 2008
  • Length: 01:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
As oil prices rise and supplies decline, interest in wind energy is soaring. But finding sites for wind farms hasn't been a breeze.

  • Added: Jul 01, 2008
  • Length: 01:30
Caption: PRX default Piece image
A shark that strolls along coral on its fins. A shrimp with enough muscle and speed to shatter the glass in an aquarium. These and 48 other never-b...

  • Added: Jul 01, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Businessman Tom Herlihy has eight million employees -- eight million, hungry, little red worms, that is.

  • Added: Jul 01, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Face it. We're energy junkies -- and our fix is getting more expensive.

  • Added: Jun 30, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
While hydrogen is being touted as the environmentally friendly fuel of the future, a pair of Penn State engineers believe the future may be closer ...

  • Added: Jun 30, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Maybe there's hope for troublemakers. Some creatures thrive in hot water...

  • Added: Jun 30, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
What to do you get after you empty a barrel of fermented beer or whiskey? Besides a hangover, that is...

  • Added: Jun 30, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Can we really harness ocean waves to make electricity? We might actually do more.

  • Added: May 30, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
It started off routinely enough -- at least in this day and age of genetic engineering and other laboratory efforts to "improve" upon nature.

  • Added: May 30, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Between rampant pollution and climate change, scientists say our oceans are ailing. But in order to correctly diagnose it, they've concluded they ...

  • Added: May 30, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Piece image
A profile of rock producer, ambient musician and music conceptualist Brian Eno, for his 60th birthday

  • Added: May 07, 2008
  • Length: 03:30
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Already declared the third smartest city in the U.S. by Forbes Magazine, Ann Arbor, Michigan recently had another bright idea. They decided to rep...

  • Added: Apr 30, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
What''s furry, barks, and sniffs out rare species like a Sherlock Holmes? Yep -- it's a dog!

  • Added: Apr 30, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Veterinarians made a house call on the world's rarest cat recently to give it a high-tech medical examination. It was one of thirty Amur leopards b...

  • Added: Apr 30, 2008
  • Length: 01:32
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Ever been told you have feet of clay? How about feet of a beetle? Well now you can take that one as a compliment.

  • Added: Mar 29, 2008
  • Length: 01:32