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PLEASE FEEL AT HOME. THIS IS OPEN-MINDED, UNINTIMIDATED PUBLIC RADIO. That's what we believe Public Radio should be. Especially here in Santa Fe, "The City Different." KSFR demonstrates this commitment 24 hours a day, with programs that reflect the independent, thoughtful perspectives of our own community, as well as those of other critical thinkers around the world. You'll hear opinions that don't toe the line, from all corners of an issue. Santa Fe Public Radio's insistence on diversity extends to the music we play. Nearly every musical genre is represented in the course of our broadcast week. We pay special attention to local New Mexico musicians whose talent often finds an appreciative audience among KSFR listeners. KSFR News covers Northern New Mexico with the largest radio news team in the capitol city. Reporting on the international scene, we count on our partner, BBC World Service, the largest independent news organization in the world.


Series image
9 Pieces

A KSFR multi-part series produced by Ellen Berkovitch, Hannan Colton, and Rita Daniels

  • From: KSFR
  • Updated: May 07, 2018
Caption: Host Martha Burk
195 Pieces

Weekly 2 1/2 to 3 minute public affairs commentary on topics in the public debate, political issues, and how decisions in Washington and around the world affect ordinary citizens, often with an emphasis on women. Critical analysis that goes beyond the breaking news.

  • From: KSFR
  • Updated: Dec 01, 2023
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
980 Pieces

HERE AND THERE with Dave Marash: it’s a reporter’s dream! 50 minutes to tell you about the headlines, the context and the meaning of a significant news story.

  • From: KSFR
  • Updated: Jan 28, 2019
Series image
3 Pieces

This three-part series addresses the lives of Native American homeless in Albuquerque, New Mexico and on the streets of old Route 66.

  • From: KSFR
  • Updated: May 02, 2018

Latest Pieces

Caption: Host Martha Burk
The term Guns or Butter? goes back to World War I and protests over prioritizing the production of munitions over the production of dairy products....

  • Added: Dec 07, 2023
  • Length: 03:01
Caption: Host Martha Burk
December 7, 1941 was one of the deadliest days in American History. The massive assault on Pearl Harbor drove the American military to do something...

  • Added: Dec 04, 2023
  • Length: 03:00
Caption: Host Martha Burk
Thanksgiving is coming up – and once again turkey will be the star of the show. But there’s always an issue with side dishes. No worries, a busines...

  • Added: Nov 16, 2023
  • Length: 02:30
Caption: Host Martha Burk
Nov 7 marked the one year countdown to the 2024 Presidential election. It was both a kick in the pants and clown show on the Republican side, and a...

  • Added: Nov 12, 2023
  • Length: 03:00
Caption: Host Martha Burk
Halloween used to be about Fairies and Superman, but in the 1970s a new spook came on the scene -- the evil clown. Historians say it was because ki...

  • Added: Oct 25, 2023
  • Length: 02:30
Caption: Host Martha Burk
The United Nations designates October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child, promoting empowerment and rights of girls to safe, educated, ...

  • Added: Oct 19, 2023
  • Length: 03:00
Caption: Host Martha Burk
Maybe you can't change world affairs, but there’s lots you can do to make things better right here in the USA, no matter where you live. Make a Di...

  • Added: Oct 19, 2023
  • Length: 02:45
Caption: Host Martha Burk
The country lost a Lioness this month with the death of Dianne Feinstein, an early female pioneer in the Senate.  Let's check on female gains in go...

  • Added: Oct 07, 2023
  • Length: 02:31
Caption: Host Martha Burk
October is here, and there ain’t much good news happening in the US, with daily mass shootings, a government in disarray, and a hurricane a day. So...

  • Added: Sep 30, 2023
  • Length: 02:31
Caption: Host Martha Burk
It's Hispanic Heritage Month, so let's recognize their leaders, and raise a glass to the founder of the United Farm Workers. If you’re thinking Ces...

  • Added: Sep 21, 2023
  • Length: 03:01