Belief Systems and Other B.S.

Series produced by KVNF

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Personal essays in speculative philosophy.

Belief Systems and Other B.S. is a 3.5 minute weekly radio commentary consisting of first person essays written and read by Angus Stocking. Recurring themes include the interaction of belief and reality, collective intelligence, boundary experiences (occult, UFO, cryptids, Marian apparitions, etc.), conspiracy theory, word play, alternative religion, and cult philosophy. Think Dan Brown with the ability to write a decent sentence, Art Bell with a point, X-Files grounded in the mundane. Stocking spent time in a Christian cult and is suspicious of conventional religion and other corporate entities, but balances cynicism with a passion for all the inexplicable intrusions that perturb what can be called, consensus reality. He also rather enjoys writing about himself in the third person.
Belief Systems and Other B.S. is intended to run as a weekly spot. On KVNF it has worked well as a Sunday program, and as a break between news and music - but basically it is 3.5 minutes of speculative philosophy that you can use as you see fit.
Ten spots are being uploaded at once to get things started, and a new spot will be uploaded each week. Since more than 150 spots have been produced and a new piece is written each week, no breaks are anticipated. Promos will soon be offered, and the show is supported by website and book.


Belief Systems and Other B.S. is a 3.5 minute weekly radio commentary consisting of first person essays written and read by Angus Stocking. Recurring themes include the interaction of belief and reality, collective intelligence, boundary experiences (occult, UFO, cryptids, Marian apparitions, etc.), conspiracy theory, word play, alternative religion, and cult philosophy. Think Dan Brown with the ability to write a decent sentence, Art Bell with a point, X-Files grounded in the mundane. Stocking spent time in a Christian cult and is suspicious of conventional religion and other corporate entities, but balances cynicism with a passion for all the inexplicable intrusions that perturb what can be called, consensus reality. He also rather enjoys writing about himself in the third person.... Show full description

23 Pieces

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Piece image
What the Tarot means to one former fundamentalist.

Bought by KUT

  • Added: Jan 17, 2006
  • Length: 03:32
  • Purchases: 1
Piece image
Peculiarities of United States land surveying.

Bought by KUT

  • Added: Jan 17, 2006
  • Length: 03:32
  • Purchases: 1
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A meditation on belief and reality.

  • Added: Jan 17, 2006
  • Length: 03:32