Ocean, People, Planet

Series produced by After the Fact

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Image by: The Pew Charitable Trusts 

There is only one ocean, essential to the life of everyone on Earth—and it faces perils like never before.

The ocean covers nearly three-fourths of the Earth. Vast and powerful, it is central to the life of everyone on the planet, supplying more than half of the world’s oxygen, providing food and recreation, and supporting economic vitality. Yet for all its seeming invincibility, the ocean has never been more in danger.

Its very chemistry is changing as ocean waters become more acidified through climate change. Its inhabitants—from large sharks to finger-sized crustaceans—are under assault.

Plastics pollution is now ubiquitous, found even in the ocean’s greatest depths. And sea levels continue to rise, challenging the barriers separating people from water.

In this new series, we focus on the connection between the health of the ocean and the health of the planet—and what that means for the well-being of all of us.

We’ll examine the state of the ocean, detail the threats, and offer potential solutions based on data, science, and traditional ways of knowing that are collaborative and achievable. Hide full description

The ocean covers nearly three-fourths of the Earth. Vast and powerful, it is central to the life of everyone on the planet, supplying more than half of the world’s oxygen, providing food and recreation, and supporting economic vitality. Yet for all its seeming invincibility, the ocean has never been more in danger. Its very chemistry is changing as ocean waters become more acidified through climate change. Its inhabitants—from large sharks to finger-sized crustaceans—are under assault. Plastics pollution is now ubiquitous, found even in the ocean’s greatest depths. And sea levels continue to rise, challenging the barriers separating people from water. In this new series, we focus on the connection between the health of the ocean and the health of the planet—and what that means for... Show full description

7 Pieces

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In this new series, “Ocean, People, Planet,” we focus on the connection between the health of the ocean and the health of the planet. We’ll examine...

Bought by KBCS 91.3 FM Community Radio

  • Added: Feb 08, 2022
  • Length: 22:00
  • Purchases: 1
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In Part II of “The State of Our Ocean,” we speak with Sheila (Siila) Watt-Cloutier, an environmental, cultural, and human rights advocate, about th...

  • Added: Feb 08, 2022
  • Length: 16:42
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We continue our “Ocean, People, Planet” season with a discussion of one of the largest threats facing the ocean: plastic pollution. Winnie Lau, who...

  • Added: Apr 08, 2022
  • Length: 19:50
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Amid growing public concern about rising seas, extreme weather, and disappearing biodiversity, we speak with Michael Oppenheimer, the Albert G. Mil...

Bought by RadioFreePalmer

  • Added: Apr 25, 2022
  • Length: 18:51
  • Purchases: 1
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We travel to Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, where the refuge is losing ground to climate change and rising ...

  • Added: May 06, 2022
  • Length: 29:29
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In this episode, we explore how communities that rely on a healthy ocean are working to create marine protected areas (MPAs) to preserve biodiversi...

  • Added: Jun 08, 2022
  • Length: 19:28
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In this episode, we speak with Ashlan Cousteau and Philippe Cousteau Jr., who, inspired by the legacy of Philippe’s grandfather, undersea explorer ...

  • Added: Jun 22, 2022
  • Length: 20:44