One Planet on Your Call

Series produced by Malihe Razazan

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Climate change is the issue of our time, and its emerging impacts are making
us all aware of the interconnected crises facing humanity and the planet we
share. That’s why Your Call on KALW, local public radio station in San Francisco is launching a new series called One Planet. Every Monday, we’ll speak with authors, scientists, activists, journalists, and people living at the frontier of the climate crisis.

Climate change is the issue of our time, and its emerging impacts are making us all aware of the interconnected crises facing humanity and the planet we
share. That’s why Your Call on KALW, local public radio station in San Francisco is launching a new series called One Planet. Every Monday, we’ll speak with authors, scientists, activists, journalists, and people living at the frontier of the climate crisis.

We’ll look at the many symptoms of earth out of balance, from sea level rise
and intensified hurricanes to shrinking arable land and the new reality of climate refugees.

We’ll confront the role of human activity in the climate crisis, and the people
and movements taking action to preserve a habitable planet.
And we want you to join the conversation.

Rose Aguilar & Malihe Razazan
Host & Senior Producer, Your Call
If you have an idea for the One Planet series, please email us: Hide full description

Climate change is the issue of our time, and its emerging impacts are making us all aware of the interconnected crises facing humanity and the planet weshare. That’s why Your Call on KALW, local public radio station in San Francisco is launching a new series called One Planet. Every Monday, we’ll speak with authors, scientists, activists, journalists, and people living at the frontier of the climate crisis.We’ll look at the many symptoms of earth out of balance, from sea level riseand intensified hurricanes to shrinking arable land and the new reality of climate refugees.We’ll confront the role of human activity in the climate crisis, and the peopleand movements taking action to preserve a habitable planet.And we want you to join the conversation.Rose Aguilar & Malihe RazazanHost &... Show full description

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