Brain Meets Word

Series produced by Carry the One Radio

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A look into the neuroscience of communication! Learn about how the brain controls our muscles that allow us to speak, what’s going on in the brains of songbirds as they try to woo their mates, and how we can train ourselves to become better musicians.

Tongues, songbirds and perfect fifths, oh my! Seemingly disparate subjects yes, but remarkably similar nonetheless. In this episode, we investigate some of the far corners of the neuroscience behind communication! We start with a simple question: how does the human brain coordinate all of the muscles that allow us to speak? In Part 2, we learn how male songbirds perfect their mating calls and how all the single birds respond. And finally, a neuroscientist/professional opera-singer tells us about the mystery of musicality, and the science behind becoming a great musician.

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