Here And There with Dave Marash

Series produced by KSFR

Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
Here And There with Dave Marash 

HERE AND THERE with Dave Marash: it’s a reporter’s dream! 50 minutes to tell you about the headlines, the context and the meaning of a significant news story.

It’s a reporter’s dream, 50 minutes to tell you about the headlines, the context and the meaning of a significant news story.

Share that dream through award-winning broadcast journalist Dave Marash's in-depth conversations with journalists or witnesses who have been “eyes-on” big stories in the news.

Over his career, especially his 16 years as Ted Koppel’s chief international correspondent on Nightline, Marash traveled America and the world, winning 11 Emmy Awards, a DuPont Award and an Overseas Press Club Award, among many others, for his radio and television reporting.

This produced literally a world of experiences, sources, contacts and colleagues, all of which are put to use on HERE AND THERE to give you the best, most comprehensive information about the reality behind the news.

HERE AND THERE shares with you what happens when journalists talk about their stories – “What’s there? What’s going on? Why?”

As one recent guest, Law School Dean and expert on payday and other high-interest loans Nathalie Martin put it: “I have never been interviewed by someone who had done his or her research to this extent. It is most amazing. This is the favorite interview I've given in all my life.

HERE AND THERE with Dave Marash, OUR MOTTO: “YOU COULD LEARN A LOT.” Hide full description

It’s a reporter’s dream, 50 minutes to tell you about the headlines, the context and the meaning of a significant news story.Share that dream through award-winning broadcast journalist Dave Marash's in-depth conversations with journalists or witnesses who have been “eyes-on” big stories in the news.Over his career, especially his 16 years as Ted Koppel’s chief international correspondent on Nightline, Marash traveled America and the world, winning 11 Emmy Awards, a DuPont Award and an Overseas Press Club Award, among many others, for his radio and television reporting.This produced literally a world of experiences, sources, contacts and colleagues, all of which are put to use on HERE AND THERE to give you the best, most comprehensive information about the reality behind the news.HERE... Show full description

980 Pieces

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Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
“The public option,” the “buy-in,” Medicare for All, or is it Medicaid for All…so many plans for healthcare reform. And then there’s Obamacare…ho...

Bought by KUPR low power FM and KENW

  • Added: Jul 29, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
  • Purchases: 2
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
When Vladimir Putin took power, Russian life was unpredictable, and Russian power and influence were at historic lows. How to make Russia great ag...

Bought by KENW

  • Added: Jul 23, 2019
  • Length: 51:58
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
When a small town loses its only hospital, the impact goes way beyond people’s physical health. The economy and the society are under threat. Sar...

Bought by KENW

  • Added: Jul 22, 2019
  • Length: 51:58
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
Almost all the journalistic focus has been on America’s southern border with Mexico, destination end of the migrant trail. Anita Pouchard Serra le...

  • Added: Jul 16, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
What does it mean when one of the NY Times’ top political reporters calls a crowded field of Democratic aspirants to the Presidency, a “clown car?”...

  • Added: Jul 16, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
Its undignified birth on Twitter, and its hurry-up delivery in the Korean Demilitarized Zone may have made the meeting between President Donald Tru...

  • Added: Jul 16, 2019
  • Length: 51:58
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
Just 2 days after baseball’s annual All-Star Game, a look back at an amazing, if tragic year in the life of an all-time all-star -- Lou Gehrig. D...

  • Added: Jul 10, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
NM Gov. Susana Martinez’ Department of Human Services cried fraud and effectively fired all the private agencies serving the state’s addicted and m...

Bought by KUPR low power FM and KENW

  • Added: Jul 08, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
  • Purchases: 2
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
The United States insists it is negotiating a peace agreement for Afghanistan, but the current agenda doesn’t extend beyond a timetable for a pullo...

  • Added: Jul 08, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
The health protections children get from vaccinations have been taken for granted, until the worst outbreak of measles in almost 30 years hit the U...

Bought by KENW

  • Added: Jul 02, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
Tripoli, the capitol city of Libya, was once one of the most modern cities in North Africa. These days it a ruinous war zone as 2 governments figh...

  • Added: Jul 01, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
Rare earths aren’t rare and they aren’t earths, They are 17 minerals which are essential ingredients in all sorts of civilian products from cell ph...

  • Added: Jul 01, 2019
  • Length: 52:00
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
What would President Donald Trump’s “big beautiful wall” do to the beauty of the Rio Grande and its Valley? And what would the wall do to the live...

Bought by KENW

  • Added: Jun 25, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
When payback gets stupid. China is angry about US attempts to extradite a Chinese businesswoman from Canada and lashes out at Hong Kong, demanding ...

  • Added: Jun 25, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
An Associated Press investigation shows how members of the same Sackler family claiming to show remorse for overselling OxyContin in America are m...

Bought by KUPR low power FM

  • Added: Jun 25, 2019
  • Length: 52:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
The good news about Mad Cow Disease is that an easy reform, eliminating cow brains and spinal materials from cattle feed, has protected both cattle...

Bought by KUPR low power FM

  • Added: Jun 18, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
50 years later, the video replay of Ron Swoboda’s miraculous catch in the 1969 World Series is one of the most watched presentations of one of the ...

  • Added: Jun 18, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
Once people ate to survive, then they learned to eat to enjoy. Now, too many of us eat to eat, to consume, which leads to 3 terrible things: glutt...

Bought by KENW

  • Added: Jun 18, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
Du Pont was busy poisoning the air with leaded gasoline when it took as its slogan” “Better living through chemistry.” Du Pont understood this is ...

Bought by KENW

  • Added: Jun 10, 2019
  • Length: 51:59
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Here And There with Dave Marash
We all have nightmares, but the nightmare arson that destroyed a main building and historical archive at the Highlander School in Tennessee is real...

  • Added: Jun 10, 2019
  • Length: 52:00