Series produced by The Poetry Foundation
If you've ever been curious about why and how a poem gets made, PoetryNow is a weekly 4-minute, modular radio program that offers an audio immersion into the concept of a poem. Listen to and follow the inner workings of a new poem as poets read and talk about their work on PoetryNow, a presentation of The Poetry Foundation.
The series will feature 52 episodes available for stations to broadcast in any quantity or combination, at no cost, starting June.
176 Pieces
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Alli Warren mingles tropes of baseball, horticulture, and birdwatching as she celebrates her life.
- Added: Oct 18, 2016
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 4
J. Michael Martinez writes of love and the body through the language of the natural world.
- Added: Oct 07, 2016
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 3
Lillian Yvonne Bertram meditates on conflicted romantic feelings during a summer spent in Maine.
- Added: Oct 03, 2016
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 3
David Trinidad describes a movie set for a cop film set in 1970s San Francisco.
- Added: Sep 29, 2016
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 3
Cornelius Eady reenacts a scene of racial discrimination from the film A Raisin in the Sun.
- Added: Oct 03, 2016
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 5
Farnoosh Fathi reads a poem on the occasion of poet John Ashbery’s 87th birthday.
- Added: Sep 09, 2016
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 3
Amy King considers how the media represent race and police violence.
- Added: Nov 29, 2017
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 5
Jennifer Moxley meditates on Eros, mythology, and the cosmos.
- Added: Nov 29, 2017
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 5
Norma Cole meditates on the Syrian refugee crisis.
- Added: Apr 01, 2019
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 5
David Lau combines opera, theater, and avant garde art in a poem inspired by student protests.
- Added: Nov 29, 2017
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 5
Tsering Wangmo Dhompa meditates on political exile and personal loss.
- Added: Nov 29, 2017
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 6
Ocean Vuong remembers Tamir Rice, the 12-year old boy killed by police in Cleveland, OH in 2014.
- Added: Sep 12, 2017
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 7
Cynthia Cruz draws on Biblical language to imagine a world both concrete and virtual.
- Added: Nov 29, 2017
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 6
Carmen Giménez Smith reads a poem in response to a photograph by the 1970s East Los Angeles art collective Asco.
- Added: Nov 29, 2017
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 7
Urayoán Noel considers the pleasures of coffee and how those pleasures may differ between the English and Spanish languages.
- Added: Nov 29, 2017
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 7
francine j. harris revisits her childhood home in Detroit and imagines the ways destruction can be an empowering act.
- Added: Nov 29, 2017
- Length: 04:00
- Purchases: 7