Out There

Series produced by WTIP

Caption: Shelby Gonzales with a saw-whet owl, Credit: Kate Nicoletti
Image by: Kate Nicoletti 
Shelby Gonzales with a saw-whet owl 

In this bite-size segment, WTIP North Shore Community Radio contributor Shelby Gonzalez explores the great outdoors with a sense of humor and a nose for strange stories, odd critters, and unusual pursuits.

Shelby Gonzalez works as Marketing Manager at the Cook County Visitors Bureau in northeastern Minnesota. She writes about the outdoors for assorted publications and is a regular contributor to WTIP North Shore Community Radio. She lives in Grand Marais, MN, with Osa and Pippi, her two chinchillas. (Chinchillas are rodents, native to the high Andes, that look like they just scampered out of a Dr. Seuss book. Imagine a creature cobbled together from a rabbit body, koala ears, cat whiskers and a squirrel tail.) In this bite-size segment, writer Shelby Gonzalez explores the great outdoors with a sense of humor and a nose for strange stories, odd critters, and unusual pursuits.

5 Pieces

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