The Future of Public Radio
Series produced by Jenny Attiyeh
Annually, public radio programmers from across the nation (and overseas) gather to talk shop.
Annually, public radio programmers from across the nation (and overseas) gather to talk shop. In 2006, the mood at the Public Radio Program Directors Association conference in Philadelphia was one of concern. With many listeners newly entranced by the gadgets and gizmos of the 21st century — podcasts, blogs, satellite radio, streaming audio — it all adds up to one intimidating fact: the consumers of today’s ‘content’ want it on their terms. And the old guard of public radio now realizes it has some catching up to do. But therein lies the opportunity, and the reason why many of the more adventuresome attendees had a spring in their step.
5 Pieces
- Added: Jan 15, 2007
- Length: 05:11
- Added: Nov 14, 2006
- Length: 05:40
- Added: Nov 06, 2006
- Length: 09:27
- Added: Oct 30, 2006
- Length: 11:46
- Added: Oct 03, 2006
- Length: 02:38