Sierra Club's "Ask Mr. Green"

Series produced by Orli Cotel

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Sierra Club's Mr. Green answers environmental questions from the masses. Free!

A longtime favorite of Sierra Club Magazine and, Mr. Green answers readers often quirky questions. What's the best way to build an environmentally friendly deck? Should I use my hybrid to charge my laptop and phone? The questions can be tricky and the answers are often surprising -- but always entertaining! When thinking about your own green lifestyle, you'll soon be asking, "What Would Mr. Green Do?"

Unless otherwise noted, all episodes are undated. Weekly updates will occur, but feel free to use however you like -- use one per week and air it 15 times throughout different dayparts, take a bunch and rotate run-of -schedule, make it part of Weekend Edition, incorporate it into your home-grown programming. Get creative, knock yourself out. They're Free!

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