Series produced by CONTACT Radio
An award-winning weekly series with real stories from real people dealing with the challenges of everyday life.
CONTACT is a weekly award-winning public affairs radio program distributed to about 300 radio stations across the country and overseas. It features real-life interviews with ordinary people on- location who tell their stories of overcoming and coping with various issues and difficulties of everyday life. Their heart-warming and often humorous accounts relate to a general audience struggling with the same issues and topics. The stories are woven together by two hosts with added use of music and natural sound whenever possible. CONTACT is made to educate, inspire and motivate listeners to action.
The weekly shows are produced in both 30-minute and 15-minute lengths.
Transcripts of each show and sample audio is available at our website at
2 Pieces
- Added: May 26, 2005
- Length: 29:07
- Added: May 26, 2005
- Length: 29:07