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Playlist: Ian Elsner's Portfolio

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Buzludzha Is Deteriorating. Dora Ivanova Wants To Turn It Into A Museum.

From Ian Elsner | 09:59

High in the Balkan mountains, a crazy, saucer-shaped Soviet-era communist monument is deteriorating.


Commemorating early Bulgarian Marxists, Buzludzha was designed to emphasize the power and modernity of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Buzludzha is now at the center of a debate over how Bulgaria remembers its past. Some people want to destroy it, some people want to restore it to its former glory, but Bulgarian architect Dora Ivanova has a better idea.

Ivanova wants to turn it into a museum, and she founded the Buzludzha Project Foundation to do exactly that.
In this episode, Ivanova describes how the city of Berlin inspired her plan for the preservation of Buzludzha, how to preserve the past without glorifying it, and the next steps to making her plan a reality.

Originally aired on Museum Archipelago