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Playlist: KACU On-Air Program List

Compiled By: KACU Production

Caption: PRX default Playlist image

Programs currently airing on KACU-FM. List for production download and use.

Climate Connections (Series)

Produced by ChavoBart Digital Media

Most recent piece in this series:

Climate Connections September 2 - 27, 2024

From ChavoBart Digital Media | Part of the Climate Connections series | 30:00

Podcast_thumbnail_black_2020_240x240_small This month on Climate Connections: 

Air Date -Title                                                                                                                    

Mon., 9/2-Climate change threatens outdoor workers in tropical regions, study finds: Nearly one-third of all hours could become unsafe for heavy outdoor work.

Tue., 9/3-Climate change is making seasonal allergies even worse: In some areas, allergy season lasts three weeks longer than it used to.

Wed., 9/4-What to do if your veggie garden floods: Bacteria, sewage, and toxic pollution in floodwaters can contaminate produce.

Thu., 9/5-Fireflies face ‘one-two punch’ of climate change, habitat loss, and light pollution: Ecologist warns of dwindling numbers as winters warm and droughts increase.

Fri., 9/6 -The quest for climate-resilient cows: Researchers are working to breed varieties that can thrive in temperature extremes.

Mon., 9/9-A public library became a haven after a flood: In the aftermath of a devastating flood, the library became a lifeline for residents of Spencer, Iowa.

Tue., 9/10-How a stream restoration project in Indiana is helping to reduce flooding: The Duck Creek Tributary’s newly restored, meandering shape helps reduce the flooding of nearby roads. It’s teeming with wildlife, too.

Wed., 9/11-Climate change could expand the range of disease-carrying mosquitoes: Longer summers and more rain provide ideal conditions for the insects.

Thu., 9/12-‘King tide days’ help San Rafael, California, residents visualize sea level rise: King tides bring the highest tides of the year.

Fri., 9/13-Wetland project to help protect Palo Alto from flooding: It’s also designed to improve water quality in San Francisco Bay.

Mon., 9/16-Old apartment building in Santa Monica transformed into all-electric affordable housing: Rooftop solar plus other upgrades add up to lower bills for residents.

Tue., 9/17-Photos show how climate change is shaping the Louisiana coast: Virginia Hanusik’s new book, ‘Into the Quiet and the Light,’ pairs photos with essays and reflections from community members.

Wed., 9/18-What to ask when you’re hiring a solar company: It can be hard to know which claims to believe.

Thu., 9/19-Hospitals commit to cutting climate pollution from their food supply chain: Over 100 hospitals and medical centers have signed up.

Fri., 9/20-Tofu manufacturer’s waste turned into energy with a biodigester: Island Spring Organics on Vashon Island, Washington, uses soybean pulp and whey to help power its tofu production.

Mon., 9/23-Meet Scott Sklar, a renewable energy enthusiast in Arlington, Virginia: When there’s a power outage, people gather at Sklar’s place. During good weather, they take tours and check out what kids call his ‘Back to the Future’ van.

Tue., 9/24-Geoscientist David Padgett turns science into a tool for environmental justice: He offers his expertise to communities struggling with pollution and flooding.

Wed., 9/25-A new financing model could speed up forest thinning projects: The projects can help reduce the risk of intense wildfires.

Thu., 9/26-Denied FEMA Assistance? You can appeal: A free online tool, available in both English and Spanish, can help

Fri., 9/27-Cutting climate pollution could save tens of thousands of lives, study finds: New research links cleaner air to significant health benefits.

The Midnight Special (Series)

Produced by The WFMT Radio Network

Most recent piece in this series:

MS 24-37: Folk Music with a Sense of Humor, 9/19/2024

From The WFMT Radio Network | Part of the The Midnight Special series | 01:58:30

Enter_logo_small Folk music and farce, show tunes and satire, madness and escape!

Fiesta! (Series)

Produced by The WFMT Radio Network

Most recent piece in this series:

This American Life (Series)

Produced by This American Life

Most recent piece in this series:

Pulse of the Planet (Series)

Produced by Jim Metzner

Most recent piece in this series:

Secrets of Soil

From Jim Metzner | Part of the Pulse of the Planet series | 12:58

Potp-logo-1400x1400_small Join Nik Quafoku, Chief Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, for an in depth look at the wonders of soil. You'll never look at the dirt under our feet in quite the same way.