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Playlist: Politics

Compiled By: Claire Woodard

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Carl Webb & Hart Viges - Army Deserter & Conscientious Objector

From Abigail Mahnke, host of Inner Views | 25:55

Carl and Hart joined the army in 2001 and both left in 2004 because they stopped believing in what they were doing. In Carl's case, he became an army deserter just after being called to Iraq and went underground. Hart became a conscientious objector for religious reasons shortly after returning from Iraq and received an honorable discharge.

Carl_hart_copy_small Carl and Hart joined the army in 2001 and both left in 2004 because they stopped believing in what they were doing. In Carl's case, he became an army deserter just after being called to Iraq and went underground. Hart became a conscientious objector for religious reasons shortly after returning from Iraq and received an honorable discharge.

Carl joined the military because he needed money and thought it unlikely he would be called to serve. But then September 11 happened and, one month before he was supposed to get out, he was called to duty. He realized he had joined the military for the wrong reasons and he didn't believe in the Iraq War to boot, so he chose to desert rather than serve.

In Hart's case, he served in Iraq. During one particular month-long leave, he was introduced to the teachings of Jesus Christ, decided he wanted to live his life in the image of Christ and decided that war was no longer compatible with that. He tried to finish out his tour of duty but was having anxiety attacks. He ultimately became a conscientious objector.