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Playlist: Science

Compiled By: D H

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Atavism -- Groks Science Show 2010-04-07

From Charles Lee | Part of the Groks Science Radio Show series | 22:24

James Rollins discussed atavism in the Alter of Eden.

Grokscience_small Atavism refers to an organism adopting characteristics of an ancestral form. Such genetic throwbacks are fascinating topics for evolutionary biologists. On this program, James Rollins discussed atavism in the Alter of Eden.  For more information, visit the website: www.groks.net

Groks Science Radio Show (Series)

Produced by Charles Lee

Most recent piece in this series:

Far UVC -- Groks Science Show 2024-07-24

From Charles Lee | Part of the Groks Science Radio Show series | 28:30

Grokscience_small John Rajchert discussed the development of Far UVC technology.