Comments for What We Wish We Could Tell Our Parents

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Produced by Romana Amato, Jose Benitez, Lucy Munoz, and April Winbun for Curie Youth Radio

Other pieces by april winbun

Summary: Mom, Dad: About That Bullet Hole in the Basement...

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Review of What We Wish We Could Tell Our Parents

Curie Youth Radio's vox pop on what teenagers wish they could tell their parents is a surprising look into the sometimes strained, sometimes strong relationships between parent and child.

All of the soundbytes included were excellent. There was a great variety in voices and perspective, though the segment leaned towards the negative more than the positive. Though, in light of that, we may actually stop and ask ourselves whether the darkest parts of our lives are the same things that we hide from others, including our parents. The order of the voices was excellent.

My favorite parts of the segment included a boy's comment on why he did not have a girlfriend. Many of the short remarks or comments made by the teenagers here indicate larger, more universal issues that all listeners will be able to connect to.

Excellent sound, transition and selection of voices. Great work!

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Review of What We Wish We Could Tell Our Parents

This is a great, short vox pop. We've aired it twice, in a program about secrets, and a program about teens and their families.

Short vignettes like this are so useful to me when I am putting together a longer program. It makes my life easier to have my choice of 90 second drop-ins. I hope Curie and other groups will make more like this.

One thing that would make this even stronger is if Curie provided a host intro and outro. Who are these people? Where is Curie high school? What is Curie Youth Radio? If you gave us a 3 sentence intro that would save us some time.

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Review of What We Wish We Could Tell Our Parents

I liked both the idea behind this piece, jumping from one confession to another, as well as the diversity of voices featured and ideas expressed. This diversity of comments holds the listener's attention up until the final speaker's words, the surprise and strength of which make the voxpop almost poignant. The transitions between speakers, however, are not always smooth; some narration could add fluidity and depth to some great actualities.

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Review of What We Wish We Could Tell Our Parents

This piece is about the things that children don't want to tell their parents. The whole story is a collage of answers from teenagers, telling us things like them being gay, stealing money from their parents, siblings doing drugs, and some other eye-popping secrets. One thing that could have made this story better is if they asked the question in the beginning of the story. This would have introduced us more on the topic rather than having to read the details page. I really like the idea of the collage, it keeps giving excitement, one answer after another. It really makes you wonder what their parents would do if they found out all these secrets.

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Review of What We Wish We Could Tell Our Parents

Awesome, very nice, I think that it would have been dynomite with a little narration (either before hand live to introduce the piece OR actually recoreded into the piece) and some music in the backround. overall though I really liked how fast and hard hitting it was to hear their confessions

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Review of What We Wish We Could Tell Our Parents

Awesome, very nice, I think that it would have been dynomite with a little narration (either before hand live to introduce the piece OR actually recoreded into the piece) and some music in the backround. overall though I really liked how fast and hard hitting it was to hear their confessions

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Review of What We Wish We Could Tell Our Parents

This short piece is really neat. I like the idea behind it a lot, i.e. using radio as a confession booth. It lets us see into other people's lives and contemplate their problems and occupations and compare them to ours. Maybe with a little editing and a little music, I think it would be great as a longer piece.