Comments for The Symphony of Sirens, Revisited

Caption: Avraamov conducting the Symphony of Sirens in Moscow. November 7, 1923., Credit: Andrey Smirnov

Other pieces by Charles Maynes

Summary: In November of 1923, a Soviet composer named Arseny Avraamov stepped onto a Moscow rooftop clutching two oversized flags. His plan: to conduct an orchestra comprised of the city itself. Enthralled with the Russian Revolution's break from the past, Avraamov envisioned a «music of the future» made from a strange choice of choirs: factory sirens, barge foghorns, soldiers' footsteps, artillery fire, workers songs, steam whistles, and proletarian shouts. Together, it was music. Every city had it. Only how to arrange it? 'The Symphony of Sirens' was his answer.

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Cool story, fantastic sound design

This story made me hear the city in a new way. Listen with your headphones, the sound design on this piece is deep and frequently surprising.

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A lovely story, well produced

We have all thought this, but here was a Soviet showman in the 1930s who tried to demonstrate it.