Comments for Born Into Brothels

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Produced by Lu Olkowski

Other pieces by Lu Olkowski

Summary: Several years ago Zana Briski, a photographer, found herself giving photography lessons to children living in the brothels of Calcutta's red light district. She told Lu Olkowski about the challenges of trying to change people's lives with art.

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Review of Born Into Brothels

This audio vignette is as moving, and well crafted, as the movie itself - a fitting tribute to the work of both producers! The use of both sound and as well, the girls' voices (? from the soundtrack?), is not contrived or false but fits perfectly. This is a must listen, and you'll probably want to end up using it. Fits for many themes (womens issues, gender, charitable causes).

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Review of Born Into Brothels

In describing the work of visual artist Zana Briski, producer Lu Olkowski creates her own masterful portrait of sound. Briski is the photographer who co-produced the film "Born Into Brothels" and founded Kids with Cameras, a non-profit organization to empower marginalized children through learning the art of photography. In this piece, she works with children living in the brothels of Calcutta's red light district. The nicely mixed piece uses music, colorful ambient sound, well written and delivered narration, interviews with Briski and an art therapist, and even cuts from some of the kids, taken from the film. It is a wonderful experience when a piece about art is art in itself, and I highly recommend this excellent, sound rich piece of radio.