Comments for Youth Take: Teens & Technology

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This piece belongs to the series "Engaging Youth Through Radio Project"

Produced by Sterling Anderson, Audrey Summers, and Michaela Peterson

Other pieces by WTIP

Summary: Are today's young people too plugged in? Is the wide variety of technology at their fingertips detrimental to their schoolwork/driving/futures? WTIP's Youth Radio Project took to the streets to figure out what people think about today's teens and technology in this vox pop.

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Teens and Technology is a vox pop about how many of us have become so invested in the digital screens in front of us, we lose track of the physical world around us. Interviewees in this piece are young people and adults, extensive technology users and those who don’t even have a cell phone. Before listening to this piece, I didn’t think about how our technology is so practical and useful, yet not always used to its best potential. As an interviewee pointed out, technology shouldn’t be wasted on “frivolous, meaningless conversations.”

The groovy, energetic song worked well in the vox pop. Volume levels were precise and even, for the most part. The man talking about driving and cell phone usage was hard to hear, but the producers must have had a hard time with controlling that. It took me a second listen to catch him say the word “driving.”
To have some context on what the piece is about, it would have been nice to hear a little narration in the beginning.

Teens and Technology would work well in radio program about being too plugged into technology. The piece didn’t feel like a diatribe against those who enjoy technology, but a helpful reminder to be more present in the moment. In fact, that said, I’m going to take my bike out for a ride.