Comments for Patti Smith: Horses 30th Anniversary

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Produced by Paul Chuffo, Joyride Media

Other pieces by Joyride Media

Summary: One-hour music-intensive program honors the 30th anniversary of Patti Smith's debut album, Horses.

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Review of Patti Smith: Horses 30th Anniversary

We Aired This Show. You Should Too!

Let's be honest. Patti isn't Pasta, she's not a universal taste. She's kind of like eating sushi for the first time. New, interesting, raw, scary, dangerous....make that Blowfish Sushi, the kind that kills you if it's not done right.

By the end of this show, you'll be a gobbling up Patti like a Lobster Tempura Roll with Salmon and Tuna Outer wrapping. The complexity and danger is replaced with beauty and respect. Things you dismissed before come alive, they dance on your head, they make you run to the record store to further explore the themes discussed by Patti, John Cale and others about this record.

And it's all because Rita Houston lends authenticity, empathy and expert knowledge in explaining how Patti was ahead of her time...and now we've just all caught up to her. Rita, if you know her, is ahead of her time too, but that's another story.

These kind of pieces Dance or Bore based on the producers ability to tell a story for an extended period of time. That means a LOT OF WORK and it pays off her. The depth of the interviews and actualities are perfectly recorded, pertinent to the story and the lead the listener into becoming involved with the music.

This piece from Joyride is particularly well crafted to engage listeners who would tune out Patti's harder edge. Heck, I but a classical station could air this without too many complaints....well, ok, that's pushing it, but News Stations should be airing it during Woman's History Month if you really need an excuse. This piece works anytime.

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Review of Patti Smith: Horses 30th Anniversary

I felt like the subject was handled tastefully and it reflected through the editing of the piece -- Smith and her work drove the flow -- not overproduced -- just the right amount and placement of song samples to allow me to get inside the music without forgetting I'm in a documentary piece. Very nice work.