Comments for Jimmy's Story

Caption: Photo by Eddie~S, Flickr

Produced by Kayle Schnell

Other pieces by Littleglobe

Summary: High school isn't easy. Jimmy's high school experience was especially difficult. Now a student at the United World College in Montezuma, NM, Jimmy went through years of being bullied. Jimmy's story was part of a radio show put on by YMP and the Santa Fe High School's Student Wellness Action Team that was created to illuminate the dangers of bullying to help reduce the terrible trend. Please lend your ears to this intensely raw story that details the horror of being bullied to put a stop to the violence.

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Review of Jimmy's Story

Short, simple, and sending shivers down my spine, this piece had me riveted, waiting to hear the next haunting moment in Jimmy's heart-wrenching story. The simplicity of this piece creates an intimate relationship between the listener and the audio, in this case, Jimmy. Effectively placed background sounds and music appropriately accompanied the somber mood of the piece and put me into the scene; such intensity yielded fear for my own safety and a desire for justice to those who carry out wretched violence. This piece is a perfect testimonial for anti-bullying campaigns, giving a voice to those who experience bullying and have nowhere to turn. Stories about bullying are unfortunately common, but one as gripping as this shouldn't be missed.

Caption: PRX default User image


Jimmy's Story has an effect on me I feel his pain and anger. The realness of what teens really go through i high school and life. How some people decide to just turn their backs on serious problems like bullying. Other the that it was a good piece one thing I think could have been done was get another person maybe someone who seen what happened or the boy who assaulted him?