Comments for Little Lost Fish

Caption: Photo by Wonderlane, Flickr

Other pieces by Littleglobe

Summary: “Little Lost Fish” was created by Marga Blanco. Having just moved to the USA two months prior to joining YMP’s and SFAI’s Summer Intensive, she made a wonderfully moving and creative story based on a dream she once had. The dream is of a little lost fish, but be not fooled by the name or the dream, this piece carries many thought-provoking questions about what it means to be human. In Marga’s words: “This piece is based on a dream I had and a nightmare as well. It is about finding yourself in this vast wold and knowing where you will fit in.” ENJOY!

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Review for Little Lost Fish

In this personal radio story, produced by Marga Blanco, the intricacies of an individual dream are examined. The producer describes it best, “This piece is based on a dream I had and a nightmare as well. It is about finding yourself in this vast world and knowing where you will fit in.”
My favorite thing about this piece was its overall calming effect. The actual dream that Marga had was based in the ocean and throughout her ending narration, a bubbling sound was playing, making it seem as though Marga was under water. The environment around her came alive and a listener could easily feel what Marga must have felt during her dream.
With regards to improvement, the background noise needs to be dampened. From 0:35-1:22, her interviewee’s voices are diminished by the background noise and it is tough for the listener to discern their opinions.
Overall, though, this piece does a solid job of using ambient sound with narration, which allows the dream to be vivacious and engaging. In the end, I learned that for Marga, and many other young people, the world can seem like a challenging place, but with the right thinking process any obstacle can turn into a success.
In terms of where this piece could play the Radio Lab looks like a fitting option.