Comments for Man in the Bed

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This piece belongs to the series "What's in a Song"

Produced by Hal Cannon and Taki Telonidis of the Western Folklife Center

Other pieces by Western Folklife Center Media

Summary: Songwriter Dave Alvin describes his song "Man in the Bed" which tells the story of the last day of his father's life.

Review of Man in the Bed

My review about this piece will be biased. And from this word on it promises to be. Ask me if I care. Lost my dad when I was 13. It happened in a hospital bed, with my little sister, my mom, my brother, my grandmother watching as he slowly faded away. He was 46. I guess some of us grieve in increments the remaining days of our lives from losing someone. Why else would a song have such a strong impact 17 years later?

This song did tear me apart and it's as simple and raw as that. Why it makes some of us who relate to it so devastated, I can't explain. It does and the songwriter captures the emotion with perfect marriage of words and music.

There. That's the most I've opened up in public and the most I am willing to. But...this piece was meant to come my way and this review wasn't destined to leave me any other way. Now, I'd very much like to be selfish and believe that I own this unique emotion and I'd very much like to say, "You'll never know what a loss feels like." But I'm proven wrong every second.