Comments for Songs of the Humpback Chubb

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This piece belongs to the series "What's in a Song"

Produced by Hal Cannon and Taki Telonidis of the Western Folklife Center

Other pieces by Western Folklife Center Media

Summary: Ecologist Larry Stevens sings the saga of the Humpback Chubb, a small odd-looking fish that lives at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and which has been struggling to survive since the Colorado River was dammed years ago.

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Review of Songs of the Humpback Chubb

What a delightful song and thought provoking story. I am thankful that Western Folklife Center was able to bring this song to the public. I don't know where else I would have heard the tale of the Humpback Chubb and I believe they have an important story to tell. Whether one is for or against the Grand Canyon Dam, it is certainly important for us all to understand that our interactions with nature affect many areas of life.