Comments for Fundraising Funnies II

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Produced by Adam Schwartz at WFIU, Bloomington, Indiana

Other pieces by WFIU

Summary: Nine comedic pledge drive spots

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Review of Fundraising Funnies II


This is a great set of short, easy to plug in funder spots that are sure to be effective. They contain so many little nuggets that marry the fund raising modes study with great production.

If you are an NPR News and classical station, these will save your staff time during your next drive.

First off, there is humor! Funder spots should be fun, but within the values of our listeners and these fit the bill! I'm a Nip/Tuck fan and the one about the surgeon who start an operation without classical music is just prize! The married couple who quibble over the pronounciation of a word is great.

These are all easily tagged with your information and run between 30 and a min.

Go for gang. We need more folks sharing spots that are produced for all stations to use!