Comments for A Prohibition

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Produced by Terin Mayer

Other pieces by Terin Mayer

Summary: Three students reflect on what it means to be "Black" at Carleton College

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Review of A Prohibition

This peice is an artistic gem. The way that it was edited with the voices intertwining with the music made each word come to life. When speaking about race relations, it struck the delicate balance between emotion and informative. Bravo!

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Review of A Prohibition

"A Prohibition" is a tone poem voiced by three young people who look at identity, race, and the use of the word "nigger". Terin Mayer skillfully weaves music and word here to support the speakers sentiments and heartfelt expressions, though I long for the day when we can feature sensitive portraits of African Americans that do NOT feature saxophone as the default backdrop.

That having been said,they happen to be perfect in their application in this feature.

Note to PD's and programmers :

The word nigger appears several times in a poem featured in the piece. Please resist temptaions to bleep out these references. They are vital to the overall effectiveness of this feature.