Comments for Darkness at Midnight

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Produced by Ed Janus/Voice Arts

Other pieces by Ed Janus

Summary: Dark sky advocates want to take back the night sky

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Review of Darkness at Midnight

This is the season of clear, cold nights. Perfect for stargazing.
After listening to this piece on the loss of dark skies at night due to artificial lighting, one statistic stuck with me...Two thirds of the people in the world can no longer see the Milky Way from their backyards.
The piece also explores the connection between bright night skies, greenhouse gasses and the loss of the natural day and night rhythm of life.

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Review of Darkness at Midnight

This is one of those topics which might end up tucked deep inside the daily newspaper, however, this topic is worthy of a major news headliner. This compact, compelling news story deserves even deeper investigation, so startling and important is the information about the loss of darkness and the environmental impact of unregulated lighting on all us living things. Scientific studies and anecdotal information are offered up as proof of earth's degradation because of its 24/7 glare, by such arresting "missionaries of darkness" as The Dark Sky Association. Let's hear more about this.