Comments for Blues File: Jelly Roll Morton Complete Library of Congress Recordings

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This piece belongs to the series "Blues File"

Produced by Jonny Meister

Other pieces by WXPN

Summary: review of Jelly Roll Morton "The Complete Library Of Congress Recordings by Alan Lomax"

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Review of Blues File: Jelly Roll Morton Complete Library of Congress Recordings

This is a nice review piece. XPN is a brilliant shop and this is a brilliant review of a significant contribution to American Musical History.

This review of the box set is very positive and, well, I hate to say it, just a little too on the promotional side. I'm always a fan of short pieces and this one is the perfect length for anyone to use in any programming situation, but perhaps it could be a bit deeper an point out a bit more about Jelly Roll Morton's life. After all, it's 8 disks! Perhaps there should a couple of parts to this?

The host is a recognized expert in his field and one of the best radio voices you can have on your air.