Comments for 100213 The Will of Landru (or is that Landrieu)

Caption: Mardi Gras festival on another planet

This piece belongs to the series "Searching For The First Rock And Roll Song"

Other pieces by Jamie Dell'Apa

Summary: The 40 year old Star Trek episode, The Return of the Archons, features a society that celebrates a Mardi Gras festival and is lead by a guy named Landru. In yet another New Orleans' twist on reality, Mitch Landrieu was inaugurated as mayor of New Orleans during Mardi Gras 2010. Celebrating this Petri Dish of audio absurdity, mix up a gallon of Mardi Gras intoxicants with this radio show and the internet parallel presentation text and video clips from the Archons episode for an IMAX, 4D, "Theater of the Mind" experience. (Or maybe just another one of those weird Saturday night public radio shows.)

Caption: PRX default User image

time well spent. A treat for your ears...and inner eyes.

if you love good radio ( or even landru or landrieu)you can enjoy this piece on so many different levels. I did.