Comments for Spin Jam

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Produced by Chelsea Stender

Other pieces by Alaska Teen Media Institute

Summary: For a group of youth in Anchorage, fire has given them a chance to express themselves.

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Review of "Spin Jam"

Review of "Spin Jam"
Reviewer: Brit McGinnis

Piece: "Spin Jam"

Chelsea Stender begins this piece with quotes by participants in one of the fastest-growing hobbies in America: fire spinning. The "pops" back and forth between the spinners perfectly portray the exciting dynamic between the folks in the group. Their passion is evident, and Stender treats this story with care and respect. The initial use of a lengthy quote by someone else proves confusing, and misleading. The feeling projected by the editing is straining, the editor trying to engage and excite the listener with quick transitions and speedy talking. Instead, the overall impression is hurried and haggard, a tragedy for such an intriguing topic.

Things to notice: Stender has an amazing voice for reading, and knows how to project her caring about a subject. In speaking about the participants of a certain hobby or activity, it is very important to include the voices of the participants themselves (which Stender does repeatedly). However, there seems to be a loss of Stender's voice in and of itself, which leads to a loss of structure. The voices are lovingly mixed, and there is certainly good intent in discussing this subject. With more of Stender, and more of a narrative in mind, this piece could be extremely effective in spreading the word about fire spinning.