Comments for My God

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Produced by rlpaulproductions

Other pieces by Richard Paul

Summary: Three 12 year olds - Muslim, Orthodox Jew, evangelical Christian

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Review of My God

We certainly have not heard much about the spiritual life of American children. This piece jumps right in and gives us three different monotheistic perspectives from 12 year-olds who are Jewish, Christian and Muslim. There is much to be commended in this examination of religious values and its effect on the raising of children. Anyone who has interviewed children knows how much they really do want to talk about their beliefs or non-beliefs in God. Hence my dissatisfaction with what is a promising documentary topic. There is not enough of the kid's perspectives and too much reliance on news style and the need to have adults comment on kids. The structure of this piece is less documentary and more extended news feature. The rapid paced, gasping for breath, delivery of the narration in the first five minutes of the piece was relentless and didn't do justice to the thoughtful premise. The best parts are the kids frankly and we needed more of them at home with their families, interacting with other kids, socializing in the real world and pop culture and how they deal with it. Still I'd recommend stations give a listen because it's certainly discussion-provoking and something I would listen to if I happened upon it on the radio.