Comments for Memorial Day

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Produced by David Duncan

Other pieces by David Duncan

Summary: Memorial Day memories

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Review of Memorial Day

Too bad this piece didn't come out before the holiday. I think this would work for Flag Day or 4th of July as well. The beauty of PRX is that it is accessible to a wide variety of producers from all over the world. Sometimes you get crap but more often you find potential gems like this piece. In all its simplicity this piece works like a series of still frames. The producer and narrator is as natural as they come describing what he sees around him and capturing the sounds around him. There are some technical problems that could easily be cleaned up. The narration has a buzz that should be eq'ed out. And the ambiences need to be crossfaded rather than edited. Ambience should also be kept under the narration to smooth out the transitions. Some of the field recordings have touches of distortion. Not quite but enough to alert the ear. I'd encourage the producer to rework this piece and smooth it out more. Still I found this a moving and compelling piece. I'd like to hear more from this producer.