Comments for A Cook's Notebook: Deep-Fried Turkey

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This piece belongs to the series "A Cook's Notebook"

Produced by Viki Merrick of APM and WCAI, WNAN & WZAI

Other pieces by Ali Berlow

Summary: Deep-frying a turkey for Thanksgiving

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of A Cook's Notebook: Deep-Fried Turkey

Pegged to Thanksgiving, so time-sensitive and has limited shelf-life. Nice writing, and pleasant delivery, tho a bit quick. I wanted to hear her slow down some, stretch it out, and talk to me more directly...not sound like she was reading from a script. The format -- 3:40 -- and fresh personality could be a nice fit for those looking for new material to drop into local programming as an interstitial or a magazine segment.

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of A Cook's Notebook: Deep-Fried Turkey

This Thanksgiving-ready piece stimulated my palate
and my radio ear within the same confines. Although a bit formulaic in its verbal descriptors, the prose used in this piece walks the line between a diary entry and a cooking lesson, making us smarter and hungrier by end of our listen. The absence of background music and nat. sound seems appropriate. Coupled with the brevity of the piece as a whole, the subject matter contained herein makes this piece appropriate within a myriad of programs, including special interest, holiday, and cooking titles.