Comments for Tunnel Singer

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Produced by Catherine Girardeau, Earprint Productions

Other pieces by Catherine Girardeau

Summary: Profile of a singer who is losing her voice.

Review of Tunnel Singer

One of the most unusual and heartbreaking stories you'll ever hear. I will say no more.

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Review of Tunnel Singer

What a pocket of humanity is this ! A woman who revels in that imcomparable delight of singing in tunnelly spots, is losing her voice. Her voice has been everything so what to do? Despair? No, DREAM !!!!!!
Learn and celebrate another way of dealing with hardship - true it's not the hardship of a terminal illness, more like sight to the photographer, voice to the singing - this was an honest inspiring piece of radio. Good production work of tunnel recordings and informative and demonstrative on spasmodic dysphonia. A solid piece of work.