Comments for At Risk Youth Design Sweatshop-Free Fashions

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Produced by Jim Moses

Other pieces by The Public's Radio

Summary: A community arts program in Rhode Island helps at-risk youth create clothing with an anti-sweatshop message.

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Review of At Risk Youth Design Sweatshop-Free Fashions

Jim Moses' feature about Providence, R.I.'s Broad Street Studio's program employing at-risk youth designing sweatshop-free clothing is uplifting. We need more media coverage of such programs. I found myself wanting some stats on how many of our famous brands are guilty of sweatshop violations. I was also curious about the "cool hunters" mentioned in the synopsis. (A potential story?) All in all, I know I would appreciate hearing this piece by Jim Moses, and it left me wanting to learn more about the issue.

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Review of At Risk Youth Design Sweatshop-Free Fashions

A solid news magazine piece about youth message-driven art making a statement against sweatshop labor. It's inspiring to hear about youth care about who makes the Nike sneakers and the conditions they work under. This is a very positive piece and could fit in any magazine show. The local tie-in is that we all wear clothing that is potentially created by sweat shop labor. This one act by youth to highlight that reality is an important statement.