Comments for Fresh Greens: Teens and the Environment

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Produced by Kelly Horan

Other pieces by New Hampshire Public Radio

Summary: Tells the stories of how American youth think about their daily impact on our planet.

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Review of Fresh Greens

This interesting collection of stories produced by youth radio groups from around the country ranges from the personal to the political. Topics include teens reflecting on their habits and energy consumption, the racial divide in the green movement, examinations of alternatives to standard consumerism such as community gardening and freeganism, and much more. The pieces come in a variety of formats -- from personal narratives to man-on-the-street interviews, to even a phone interview with Van Jones, Special Adviser for Green Jobs at the White House.

Keeping a long piece cohesive -- especially when it is composed of many diverse elements -- could be a challenge, but the friendly hosts do an excellent job of tying all of the stories together. The piece flows smoothly, and the use of music during the transitions also keeps the pace lively. The technical production on the individual stories is strong in most places as well. This is a good showcase of not only youth radio, but of the passion and concern that young people have for environmental issues, and I highly recommend it.

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VAN JONES interview is gone!

Just in case this comment raises questions of relevancy for you, we have removed the Van Jones interview. We re-produced the show as soon as we heard that Van Jones had resigned. We replaced it with a wonderful piece from the Alaska Teen Media Project. So go ahead and license the show. I think your listeners will be pleased.

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Marvelous energy

I listened to bits and pieces in various segments, and really liked what I heard. I am particularly struck by the energy and movement of the production. They use music judiciously and well. The hosts, reporters, and commentaries go between fun, relaxed, earnest and serious. They get at "Environment" from many directions. As a grownup, I want to hear what they have to say.

I personally would have been curious to hear from Van Jones, as I had never heard him speak, and his impact is impressive: As one commentator notes - 'He's famous for making the environmental movement more fashionable for more people'. Too bad circumstances rendered his interview outdated. However, I am sure the Alaska Teen Media piece is a very good substitute.