Comments for Is Dating a Lost Art? What's Up With Dating?

Caption: Does this count as a date?

This piece belongs to the series "SexReally Show"

Produced by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and [redacted] [redacted]

Other pieces by SexReally

Summary: What? ...Date?!?

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paradise, like, lost

i agree with the commenter mahi palanisame that this episode of the sexreally show is awesome. like palanisame i’m guilty of texting, so much so that i continue to text even in the middle of having sex. after all it was shakespeare who wrote the following poem:


hang out
hit on
hook up

what bothers me most about laura sessions stepp’s lively 8-minute conversation among young women in this piece is their dissatisfaction with the hook-up scene as it is. where has feminism gone into hiding? if women are sick and tired of being hit upon by horny men, why don’t they do something about it? why don’t they, like, just say no?

come to think of it, that was nancy reagan’s line. one interesting thing about this sexreally episode is that it quotes from a short movie about dating as it occurred back in nancy reagan’s stone age of the 1950s. you know, like when boys invited girls to go to a weenie roast or a taffy pull or a square dance.

i hate to admit that i was so, like, antediluvian that i used to ask girls to come out on a date in a hay wagon. i mean, like, uh, it was called a hay ride.

forget the 1950s. hayrides were so totally cool they could have been invented by abraham lincoln in the 1850s. in 2009 women should get together and boycott boys who don’t know about hayrides. hey, women, why don’t you produce youtube videos about hayrides and demand that men go on the honey wagon when it comes to promiscuous sex.

here's my suggestion: tune in to this piece, turn on to the women in laura sessions stepp’s rap session, and drop into a whole nuther, like, paradise lost.

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I am totally guilty of texting only!
Thanks for telling me that I don't feel alone!