Comments for Interview with Kings of Leon

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Produced by Mik Davis

Other pieces by WUSM

Summary: An interview with Nathan Followill, the drummer of Kings of Leon

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Some Guests are just Jerks

This producer and host show a great deal of promise. The guy has an engaging natural ability and, for what I suspect is a college student, a good pre plan of his interview.

Too bad the subject didn't show him the respect he deserved. The KOL drummer was engaged in a poker game and the interview is done by phone, most likely cell. That made for a painful to listen to segment. Sure, it's "real" but the message of the band was significantly clouded by the distractions.

There are some points that are made about how the band got to be famous and the interviewer asks great questions, but the pay offs are few and far between for this to remain interesting at 30 mins.

The songs are the mixed in ok, but some more writing and resetting is needed. Also, the levels with the interviewer over music are a bit out of whack, but nothing that experience won't improve.

This is one "College" Radio personality to keep an eye on.