Comments for Crafting a Sound Response - Sept. 11 Memorial

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Produced by Michael Joly

Other pieces by Michael Joly

Summary: Making a Flute on Sept. 11, 2001 to process the day

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Review of Crafting a Sound Response - Sept. 11 Memorial

This is more sound rich meditation than commentary. With thoughtful, evocative writing and delivery, Producer Michael Joly offers us his individual response to the destruction of 9/11 by his act of creation. Throughout this short piece you hear his crafting of a flute as he goes through all the stages of grief while making a flute out of a piece of wood. The piece builds to a bit of a frenzy and then at the end, there's an "ah" moment with the long slow note of the flute... then a mournful song. This is one stand out piece. It can easily be aired on any news magazine on the anniversary of 9/11.