Comments for A Menace As Great -- or Greater -- Than Steroids

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Produced by Dick Meister

Other pieces by Dick Meister

Summary: Smokeless tobacco is threatening the health of major league baseball players and millions of others.

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Review of A Menace As Great -- or Greater -- Than Steroids

Looking at the titles of some of his other prx commentaries, it's clear Dick Meister is a baseball guy. But this particular offering reminds the listener of what else is going on while steroids grab the headlines.
Throughout this piece Meister builds his case for banning use of smokeless tobacco in the major leagues. The related problems, backed up by statistics practically come at you like a line drive hit back toward the pitcher.

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Review of A Menace As Great -- or Greater -- Than Steroids

A good commentary -- I've heard a few of Dick's and I don't always agree with his view, but he forms his opinions and doesn't pull punches. This one is very timely with baseball season and the whole steroids thing. Grab it while you can.