Comments for Old Together

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This piece belongs to the series "Wandering Jew stories"

Produced by Barrett Golding

Other pieces by Hearing Voices

Summary: Couples on love and life

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Great format

I just happened to hear this today -- I bought the Wandering Jew album on iTunes and caught this one. I love the format. There are several (I couldn't tell for sure how many) different couples talking about love and how they met or what the first date was like and about getting old together. It is a charming piece, warm and perfect for Valentine's Day. I wish I would have heard it a week before so I could have recommended it for yesterday!

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Review of Old Together

This piece would be a lot more useful to stations if it was available without the music bed, which doesn't seem all that essential. Also, even though I'm sure others would disagree--I don't like the mixing of the stories. I'd rather hear them separately rather than pieced together.

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Review of Old Together

This warmed the cockles of my heart; but it is not sickly sweet. For such a short piece, it is packed full of heartfelt, love filled words and memories. Gives hope to the married amongst us, unusual in these times.

Lucky producer's wife!